Do you know that marijuana is addictive? And if so, what are the risks of using it? Learn all about the dangers of marijuana addiction and its effects on your health.
Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the world, and it’s also one of the most popular drugs for recreational use.
Marijuana has been shown to have various psychological effects, including changes in brain function and structure. It can also lead to addiction when someone becomes so dependent on marijuana that it adversely affects their life.
There are several behavioral facts about marijuana addiction that everyone should know:
- Marijuana addiction is considered a chronic condition. This means that it lasts for at least six months and may last for years.
- Marijuana addiction can be complicated to overcome. Even after overcoming other addictions, relapse is common among people who Struggle with Marijuana Addiction.
- People with marijuana addiction often experience intense cravings that are difficult to control. They may also find it hard to resist using marijuana even when they’re not feeling particularly happy or euphoric.
- Marijuana addiction can also have adverse physical effects, such as increased heart rate and anxiety.
Disorders by the Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana addiction is a severe problem that can lead to several disorders.
There are two main types of marijuana addiction: physical and psychological. Physical marijuana addiction is when someone becomes physically dependent on the drug, meaning they need it to function normally. Psychological marijuana addiction is when someone becomes psychologically dependent on the drug, meaning they feel like they can’t live without it.
Both physical and psychological marijuana Addiction can lead to several disorders, including:
- Cannabis use disorder (CUD) is an umbrella term that refers to any unhealthy or compulsive use of cannabis, regardless of how often or how much it’s used.
- Persistent cannabis use disorder (PCUD) is an even more severe form of CUD where users continue using cannabis despite experiencing negative consequences such as job loss, financial difficulties, or relationship problems.
- Cannabis abuse disorder (CAD) is another umbrella term that refers to a pattern of abusive behavior involving cannabis, such as using it in situations where it’s not supposed to be used or going beyond what would be considered recreational use.
- Cannabis dependence syndrome (CDS) is a unique form of the CAD where users experience significant problems in everyday life because of their heavy cannabis use. This may include problems with work or school, staying sober, and avoiding dangerous behaviors while under the influence of marijuana.
Marijuana is a highly addictive drug that can cause significant health problems if used regularly. It also contains some components that are harmful to the brain, including THC and other chemicals.
As with any drug, Marijuana addiction is a serious problem that needs to be taken seriously. If you’re struggling with marijuana addiction, you should seek professional help as soon as possible. Programs available can help you recover from your addiction and live a healthy life without marijuana.